Images from the Library

Looking through our recent uploads, this cover caught my eye: front page of "Social Ethics"

It’s from an anonymous “synopsis” of the papers given at a May 1886 meeting of the Society of Medical Jurisprudence and State Medicine (New York State) which was held at the Academy of Medicine (now a MHL partner!) This copy of the pamphlet was given out with the “compliments of Wm M. McLaury, M.D.,” listed as one of the trustees of the Society.

Halloween Supplies

Forgot to stock in candy for Halloween? Or got snacking a little early and need to fill in the gaps? We have candy recipes for you! You just need some sugar, water, perhaps a few cooking implements, some flavors — and if you really get on a roll, maybe a little scaffolding!

Learn the basics from The confectioner (1880).

And then work up something special from The Italian confectioner (1881): perhaps add in some flowers (page 42) or try some chocolate candy (page 50)?

If you really get in the zone, perhaps try one of the elaborate concoctions from The Royal Parisian pastrycook and confectioner (1834), like the cake arrangements on page 26 or page 345?


From Benjamin Maund’s 1825 The botanic garden.

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