Recently on Facebook…

Have you checked out our Facebook page recently? Here’s some of the great things we’ve been highlighting from our Internet Archive collection. As always, for more from the Medical Heritage Library, please visit our full collection! Continue reading

Digital Highlights: Gardens and Gardening

The gardeners among us have been planning their Spring 2013 gardening for months now. There are plenty of plants that can be prepared for the season before; perennials can be trimmed up and put to bed; beds for other plants can be prepared; the work is more or less endless if you want it to be. Just about now, too, the seed and plant companies start sending out their temptingly colored works for the creation… Continue reading

Digital Connection: On Twitter

We recently passed the 300 follower mark on our Twitter account! We’re delighted to have all these great folks to talk to about the history of medicine and science. Check out a full list of our followers here, see who we follow here, and here are a few of the folks who’ve been following us most recently: Continue reading