The MHL Welcomes a New Content Contributor

The History of Modern Biomedicine Research Group was established in 1990 as the Wellcome Trust’s History of Twentieth Century Medicine Group. In October 2010 it moved to the School of History, Queen Mary University of London, where it is supported by a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award to Professor Tilli Tansey. In developing and strengthening links between members of the biomedical research community and medical historians, the Group played – and continues to play – a… Continue reading

Digital Highlights: Charcot’s Lectures from the Salpêtrière

Jean-Martin Charcot, head of the medical staff at the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris, France, was a popular figure in late nineteenth century France. He was famous beyond French borders and part of his fame stemmed from the Leçons sur les maladies du système nerveaux, faites à la Salpêtrière, translated into English by Doctor George Sigerson as Lessons on the Diseases of the Nervous System and published in three volumes starting in 1877. (Check out Volume Two and Three!) Continue reading

The MHL Welcomes a New Content Contributor: Emory Contributes to the Medical Heritage Library

The Robert W. Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library at Emory University is pleased to contribute digitized versions of over 180 titles selected from our Historical Collection to the Medical Heritage Library. Many scholars find these additions valuable for learning and research. Individual volumes in DiscoverE will include a link to these volumes. Continue reading