Digital Connection: On Twitter

Are you following the MHL’s Twitter feed yet? If not, here are some of the recent stories you may have missed! From the Economist via @aldaily, Science Awards: All Shall Have Prizes. From @bshsnews, a summer workshop on Notebooks, Medicine, and the Sciences in Early Modern Europe. A call for papers for a special issue of Global Public Health on HIV scale-up and the politics of global health. A wonderful archival find from @jaivirdi: “A Medical… Continue reading

Digital Highlights: Stars and Tongues

Joseph Comstock’s The tongue of time, and star of the states: a system of human nature, with the phenomena of the heavens and earth. : American antiquities, remains of giants, geology, volcanoes, Egyptian and Indian magic, diet, dress, drinks, diseases, sleep, somnambulism, trances, resuscitation. : Also an account of persons with two souls, and of five persons who told colors by the touch  is one of those texts which best speaks for itself. Continue reading