To the Moon!

In honor of the lunar landing which took place this week in 1969, we’ve dug out some goodies on the moon from our collection.

Images from the Library

Full-page illustration of flowers: centaury, burdock, and celandine

From O. Phelps Brown’s The complete herbalist: or, the people their own physicians by the use of nature’s remedies showing the great curative properties of all herbs, gums, balsams, barks, flowers and roots ; how they should be prepared, when and under what influences selected, at what times gathered, and for what diseases administered. Also, separate treatises on fod and drinks ; clothing ; exercise ; the regulation of the passions, life, health, and disease; longevity; medication; air and sunshine ; bathing ; sleep, etc. Also, symptoms of prevalent diseases ; special treatment in special cases; and a new and plain system of hygienic principles (1871).