Register for “Carry On: The Depiction of Post-War Disability in Government Propaganda and Consumer Culture, 1919-1925”

About this Event

Please join the Medical Heritage Library, Inc. for the first in our Spring Speaker Series!

Fri, March 26, 2021
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EDT

How to Register

After World War I, as 200,000 military members returned home with a disability, the US government standardized rehabilitation programs for the first time. The consolidation of rehabilitative services by the government resulted in a consistent definition of disability and ability, one which was intimately tied to a veteran’s economic contribution to their family and community.

By combining clinical treatment and work training within these programs, the government promised a return to economic independence. This promise was communicated through government propaganda geared to veterans, including the magazine Coming Back (1919) and Carry On (1919-1918).

Though the government promised a reformulation of disability as compatible with independence, rehabilitation failed to take into account the lived experiences of all disabled veterans, including veterans of color, women, and people who developed disabilities other than amputations. Disability, coupled with the valor associated with Great War veterans, was redefined to include the possibility of achieving independence through paid work, and yet this independence was only ascribed to those who government officials believed could succeed in their programs: white men with physical disabilities.


Nora O’Neill is a first-year medical student at Yale School of Medicine. She is pursuing a combined MD-PhD in the History of Science and Medicine. In 2018, she completed her bachelor’s degree from Harvard University in the History of Science, focusing on the intersection of disability rights and reproductive justice. At Yale, she plans to study the social constructions of disability in medical and social activist spaces. As a physician historian, she hopes to engage in patient-centered care while also unraveling the historical complexities of the patient-doctor relationship.

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Registrants will receive a Zoom link the day before the event.

Co-sponsored by the Center for the History of Medicine, Francis A. Countway Library

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