This set was created by Jessica Murphy, Public Services Librarian, and Stephanie Krauss, Reference Archivist, at the Center for the History of Medicine at the Francis A. Countway Library of the Harvard Medical School.
Title | Author | Year | URL |
An inaugural dissertation on the influenza | Irving, Peter | 1794 | |
A brief history of the influenza : which prevailed in New-York in 1807 | Ricketson, Shadrach | 1808 | |
Pathological observations. and particularly on the morbid changes of the blood, and their influence on the production and course of the diseases, illustrated by select cases and dissections | Stoker, William | 1823 | |
Annals of influenza or epidemic catarrhal fever in Great Britain from 1510 to 1837 | Thompson, Theophilus | 1852 | |
Influenza, or Epidemic catarrhal fever : an historical survey of past epidemics in Great Britain from 1510-1890 | Thompson, Edmund Symes | 1890 | |
Influenza : the finest remedy: Langdale's concentrated essence of cinnamon. Specially recommended for children | E.F. Langdale | 1892 | |
Catarrh, colds and grippe | Clarke, John H[enry] | 1899 | |
The weather, influenza, and disease: from the records of the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary for fifty years | Gillespie, A. Lockhart | 1896 | |
The bacteriology of influenza | Park, William Hallock | 1917 | |
The story of Brockton's fight against influenza : September-October Nineteen Eighteen | Burrill, Ernest A. | 1918 | |
Showing 1 to 10 of 25 entries