Despite the holidays, we’re always adding new items to our Internet Archive collection. Here are just a few of the latest:
- The Reliability of the Verhoeff Test of Depth Perception from the US Navy School of Aviation Medicine
- The United States Navy Medical News Letter of January 1955 (we have the rest of the year, too!)
- Habits of a Well-organized Married Life from Beach, Putney & Co.
- The nature and treatment of dropsy : considered especially in reference to the diseases of the internal organs of the body which most commonly produce it. Parts I. and II. Anasarca and ascites. To which is added, an appendix, containing a translation of the work of Dr. Geromini, on dropsy: from the original Italian by Edward James Seymour
- Cornell University Graduate School of Medical Sciences Announcement (1954-1955 and we have volumes going up to 1989!)
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