

Reading room of the Wellcome Library. (Photo by JL Phillips.)

Over the last couple of months, we’ve been working on a resource list for you here on the website. You can get to it by navigating to the “Tools for Digital Research” page on the navigation bar at the top of the page.

Lori Jahnke and I have been putting together a list of tools you can use to analyze text, take notes and organize your research, connect with other researchers, and, of course, check out more great online collections.

We’ve done our best to describe these links accurately and make sure they’re up-to-date, indicating which services require payment or purchase, what tools will allow you to do, and what sort of materials online collections might feature, for example.

The list is a work in progress and if you click into something and notice our description is outdated, please — let us know! Do you have a favorite service or collection that we missed? Tell us that, too! We’d love to keep the list growing, useful, and relevant to our readers. Leave us a comment on this post or email us at medicalheritage dot gmail dot com.

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